Easy Ways to Go Green at Home

Cut down on waste at home and try these simple ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle at home. You won’t just be saving the planet, but saving money, too!

Use Glass Instead of Plastic Tupperware

As easy fix is to buy glass. That way you are guaranteed that no chemicals will be released into your food.

Stop Using Plastic Wrap

Try using a biodegradable beeswax food wrap, or just stick to the glass containers!

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Instead of buying toxic cleaners from the store, you can learn to make your own cleaning products. Here is a list of products you probably already have at home that can be used for cleaning.

Install Dimmer Switches

If you can’t keep the lights off completely, utilize dimmer switches to avoid wasting energy. They are eco-friendly and will help reduce your spending on unnecessary electricity.

Get Organized

How many times have you purchased an item at the store, only to get home and realize that you had two or three of them already? The more organized you keep your home and your things, the more you can utilize what you’ve already got rather than buying more.

Go green this year! Check out our blog archive for more home tips, tricks and ideas to try and follow us on social media!