Energy Efficient Home Features

SAVE on digital room thermostat wearing woolly hat

Having the most energy efficient home possible is a top priority to not only have a better living experience, but also to save money. Here are energy efficient home improvements to upgrade your current home or look out for them when searching for your new home:

1. Programmable thermostats are a great energy and money saver. It’s generally a more accurate thermostat and you can set up a schedule to change the temperature on its own from day to night.

2. Tankless water heaters saves users about 20% of their water bill! They never run out of hot water and also last 5 to 10 years longer than tank heaters.

3. When it’s not too hot out, using ceiling fans instead of your air conditioning can end up saving you some money and still keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

4. Insulated homes keep it warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer and reduces both costs by 20%.

5. Low flow faucet fixtures save water as well as the money in your wallet. It reduces water consumption by about 50% and can save you up to $145 a year.