Upcycled Design for Your Home

Just because something is old, worn out, damaged, etc., does not mean it can’t be used for something else. So, rather than ending up in a landfill we’ve compiled a list of a few items that can be upcycled for your home and perhaps even enhance aesthetically (if you can get a little creative).


Old architectural items such as doors, can be used for several things. One of them being a new headboard for a bedroom set. It can give a room a very rustic look if the doors have peeling paint or an interesting color. Another idea for an old door – turn it into a table. It can become a coffee table or a dining room table if you have enough panels, and create a beautiful centerpiece for a room. Old window frames can be painted and used indoors on a plain wall by arranging it in different ways.

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Worn out clothing items and accessories can also become reused in different ways. An old pair of shoes can hold plants or herbs outside, or you can even try reusing old hats as planters. Plastic milk jugs also work great for watering plants. Old towels can be used as outdoor rags to clean a car, or clean your floors around the house.

If you try to find new uses for things, you’ll be helping create less of an impact on the environment, as well as give a new life and purpose to the item you’re thinking of throwing away.