10 Vegetables You Can Grow Indoors

You don’t have to be a farmer in order to grow your own vegetables. If you have some extra time on your hands and would like to grow your own crops right at home all you need is some planters, seeds, a sunny windowsill, and these helpful tips! You also don’t have to stop gardening because the weather changes. There are many other veggies that you can easily grow indoors! Read on for ten vegetables that you can grow and cultivate indoors!

You’ll be able to harvest this spicy salad green multiple times! Once you cut the arugula, it will grow back over and over again. This plant does particularly well indoors, but make sure it gets plenty of light! The more light it receives the more the plant will produce. When choosing a pot to plant your arugula in, make sure it has good drainage. Other than that, just about any pot will work for this plant.

If you decide to grow lettuce indoors, it’s best to choose a leafy variety over the head of the lettuce instead. Leafy greens grow 4-5 inches in depth, unlike the head of the lettuce, making it easier to grow in a smaller container.

Mushrooms are very easy to grow indoors. There are a lot of different types of mushrooms to choose from and give you plenty of different options for growing!

Due to carrots being a root crop, you’ll want to use deep containers to grow this crop indoors. Use loose soil that drains well and be patient, indoor carrots take a little longer to grow! Also, be sure to only harvest your carrots until the tops are showing above the soil.

There are plenty of herbs you can easily grow indoors. From basil to rosemary, the options are endless. The best part about growing herbs is that they don’t take up too much space in your home! You can easily place a small pot of basil on the shelf of your window and tend to it.

If you commonly reap the benefits of this spicy superfood, then you might want to think about growing it yourself. Growing ginger is fairly easy. All you have to do is buy a chunk of ginger and cover it with soil in a container. Make sure the freshest looking bud is face up. Place it in indirect sunlight and then wait until you see new growth. When harvesting this crop, pull it out of the soil and cut off what you need. Then just replant it back in the soil and let it grow!

Bell & Hot Peppers
Peppers are another veggie that grows well indoors. Bell & hot pepper varieties need lots of rich soil, nutrients, and proper drainage to grow! Make sure your plant gets plenty of sunlight and the temperature is above 65 degrees and you’ll be able to harvest plenty of tasty peppers.

Whether you love or hate this healthy green, kale grows considerably well indoors. You’ll need a larger pot to grow this crop because kale needs space for the leaves to spread out. If you want to harvest kale multiple times, make sure to harvest the outside growth and not the inner growth!

Scallions require no seeds to grow! To make your own scallion crop, buy a bunch of scallions and wrap the scallions together. Then place them in a glass with one inch of water and change the water daily. Once green shoots appear and the root’s length has doubled, plant them in a shallow pot and place the crop where it will get full sun!

Want a veggie with a lot of nutrients? Take a shot at growing sprouts, which can be done without soil! Sprouts are great in salads, perfect on sandwiches, and fairly easy to grow, making them the perfect crop for growing indoors!

For more information and tips on vegetables you can grow indoors, click here or here! And if you are looking for a new home with plenty of space to start a small indoor garden, check out Judd Builders! We have plenty of wonderful planned communities in sought-after areas. Discover a life of luxury and peace, let us build your dream home! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like more information. We’d love to hear from you!