4 Decorating Tips to Help Your Child’s Room Grow as He or She Ages

Children’s rooms are always fun to decorate. It’s the perfect place to have fun with design and let your kids express themselves. Although your kids might love their bedroom now, they might not feel the same way about it a couple of years down the line. Because kids grow up at an alarming rate, they tend to out grow their rooms. So you have to ask yourself, do you keep revamping the room every time your child grows out of it or do you decorate now so that they can grow with the room? If you decide to go with the latter, here are four decorating tips to help your kid’s room grow as they age!

1. Keep it Neutral
Neutral walls are one of the safest ways to go when painting any room. Bright, bold, and colorful walls might appeal to your child now, but they are likely to outgrow it fairly quickly down the road. However, don’t feel that painting a neutral color on the wall will make your kid’s room unexciting! The neutral color sets the perfect backdrop for your child’s growing personality and it’s also easy to decorate around. Along with the neutral colors, you can add quirky accents that reflect your child’s interest or personality. Add color with furnishings instead of paint color! Also, when you are deciding on what color to paint, let you kids be a part of the decision. Ask them what color they really want to paint their rooms. If they ask for a non-neutral color, don’t worry. Go pick up a few paint chips with colors that you are okay with and let them choose from the three to five options that you’ve picked out. This will help them feel like they are a part of the process.

2. Don’t Choose a Theme
When it comes to kids rooms, it’s best not to stick with a “theme.” Your kids might want a room with their favorite cartoons or princesses adorned everywhere, but later, they’ll want something more grown up. So instead of choosing a theme and sticking to it, take elements of that theme and incorporate it into small accent pieces in the room. For example, if your kid is a huge superhero fan, find some cool artwork to hang up or an accent pillow with their favorite characters. This way, once they grow out of it, you can adapt the small décor elements to something more age appropriate without it requiring too much work.

3. Choose Classic Pieces
One of the biggest mistakes is choosing themed furniture that your kids will outgrow FAST. If you decide not to choose and stick to a theme, great! However, this next step is the most important part of the process, so choose wisely. Treat the furniture in your kid’s room as a long-term investment. Hunt for items that are classic so they won’t go out of style and your kids can grow with it. This way, you won’t have to overhaul the whole room when your kids tastes and personalities change, you’ll just have to focus on replacing smaller items throughout the room. However, don’t alienate your kid out of the decision making process. Find a few furniture options that are classic that will also appeal to your child. Then, let them choose from those options as well.

4. Let your Kids Make Decisions
Even though it might be easier to make all the design decisions yourself, you’ll want to involve your kids and let them make decisions as well. It’s their room, so they should have a bit of a say! However, don’t let them take full control over the design. Instead, ask them what they would like in their room, like what color they want to paint. Once you have an idea of what they want, pull three to five options of colors, beds, and décor options that they can choose from. Therefore, you still have control over the design of the room, but your kids also feel like their thoughts and feelings were respected!

With these helpful decorating tips, you’ll be able to create a bedroom for your child that they will love and grow with. If you’re looking for a home that is perfect for the family, visit Judd Builders website, and find the right community for you! Our new construction homes fit the modern family’s need. Don’t miss your chance to live in one of our spectacular communities. For more information, feel free to contact us! We’d love to hear from you and answer any of your questions!