How to Create the Perfect Cleaning Schedule for a Busy Household

It’s tough to keep the household clean and in order all the time. Schedules get busy and unexpected things tend to happen that take up your time. However, you can still keep your home clean even if you’re living in a busy household. All you really need to help keep things in order is a cleaning schedule that you can easily and happily follow. Here is how you can create the perfect cleaning schedule for your household and keep your amazing Judd Builders home in tip-top shape.

1. Prioritize
Every household is different. Every home has varied heavy traffic areas, different children, and a unique daily schedule. The first step to create the perfect cleaning schedule for your house is to prioritize. Highlight what is important to you and what you want clean. Do the dishes pile up constantly? Can you never catch up on laundry? These tasks that seem impossible to stay on top of are what you should prioritize cleaning. Whatever you decide are the main priorities of your household should be on top of your cleaning schedule!

2. Make a Small List
Most individuals schedule their life around their cleaning when it should be the other way around. If you schedule your household cleaning around your life, you’ll find that more gets cleaned. The next step in creating the perfect cleaning schedule for your busy household is to make a small and limited list from the priorities that you’ve decided upon. To keep things in check make three small lists of “must do’s” in these three categories: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. Here’s a good example to follow:

Daily –

  • Make beds
  • Prep dinner
  • Complete at least 1 load of laundry
  • Do the dishes
  • Wipe down kitchen and bathrooms

Weekly –

  • Change sheets
  • Clean bathrooms fully
  • Meal plan (done every other week)
  • Vacuum household
  • Dust heavy traffic areas

Monthly –

  • Change Air Filters
  • Wash quilts and blankets
  • Clean out the car
  • Dust every room

Remember your cleaning schedule and priorities will vary from this list. So think about your household and plan accordingly!

3. Conquer the Clutter
Keeping the clutter under control is a huge aspect to keeping a tidy home. Before you start tackling your cleaning schedule, you should conquer the clutter around your house if you have any. Go through every space in the house and organize the whole room. Anything that you find that doesn’t fit in the room or doesn’t get used anymore put it in a bin to store away. Once the bin is full take it to a consignment store and donate it! Keep this up after clearing the clutter and place any new clutter in the bin to donate later.

4. Keep Up With the Routine
Once you’ve determined your daily, weekly, and monthly lists and conquered the clutter you’re ready to put your schedule to the test! Find a routine that works for you that helps you get your daily tasks done. If you prefer to put in a load of wash and clear the dishwasher in the morning, do it then or if you like to prep for dinner towards the evening that’s when you should do it. Figure out what works best for you and follow that routine!

5. Divide and Conquer
The best part of creating a cleaning schedule is that you don’t have to tackle it alone. Ask for help when it comes to your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Ask your wife or husband to help you complete a task or two. If you have kids assign them some chores that will help keep the house clean. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Dividing and conquering is always the best method.

6. Complete the Cycle
This step might seem confusing, but it’s one of the most important steps to follow. When you start a task make sure you follow through and complete it. If you start a load of laundry make sure to dry it, fold it, and put it away. Don’t leave any of your tasks unfinished. And don’t feel bad if you get interrupted and don’t complete the task fully at that moment. Just make sure the task gets done before the day ends. It will help keep the house tidier.

7. Schedule Your Tasks
For bigger and more time consuming cleaning tasks, schedule them around your everyday life. This works best for completing weekly and monthly tasks. Remember this will be different for every household so do things according to your needs.