Spring Home Maintenance Tips


iStock_000064841963_SmallHomes need to be maintained between each season, even the switch to the warmer spring season. Harsh winters can cause damage that you should check for, and there’s also small tasks to complete to assure that your home stays running smoothly and looking its best! Check out these home maintenance tips to know exactly where to start when preparing your home for the spring:

1. Clean your gutters
if you haven’t done so already to make sure they are working properly before all the April/May rain comes in. You need them to be able to handle any rain that comes in to carry it down and away from your home.

2. Re-caulk windows that need it. Harsh winters can wear the caulk down, and redoing it will help keep cool air in and warm air out, which ultimately will help your air conditioner run more efficiently. This can be done on your own with ease and is worth it!

3. Pack soil around the base of your home so water will run out and away from it rather than puddling right by your home, which could cause damage

4. Clean out the air conditioner before you start using it. It hasn’t been too warm out yet this season, and definitely not consistently, so it’s not too late to do this! Cleaning it will help it run better and allows you to check for any damage as well.

5. Tis the season for outdoor water sources, so check that your hose and outdoor water systems are running properly and no dry rot or winter damage has formed.

6. Replace outdoor lighting such as porch and flood lights. You will be using them much more during the spring and summer than you did in the winter, so you might as well make sure they are in good shape. Check that the wires are damage free and the bulbs are changed and working.

7. Check the attic after the winter for any signs of rodents such as chewing marks or holes as well as for mold. Address both of these issues immediately if you find signs of them to prevent any further damage.

8. Inspect the roof for any damage, which can be done by a quick scan from the ground. No need to go on the roof, and if you see a problem, call a professional to take a look. This will prevent leaks and other possible problems from occurring.

9. Look for rotting wood around windows and door frames and repair if needed. This will seal up drafts and keep out pests, not to mention maintain proper support to your home.

These simple home maintenance tips can be done by anyone and will get your home in great shape for the rest of the season! It’s very important to keep up on home maintenance to avoid any long term problems.