Tips to Starting Your Own Vegetable Garden

Cropped shot of a growing plant in a man's hands

There are basic steps to planting a garden that beginners might not be aware of. These simple guidelines will help make sure your garden will flourish without any problems:

First you need to pick a spot with a lot of sun exposure. Vegetables need sunlight, so choose an area in your yard where they will definitely get some.

Second, make sure you get good soil. The soil the plants grow in will have an effect on their growth and quality. Some soil can contain compost and still be fine for planting, but other soils need help. Vegetables must grow in rich, well-drained soil. Check with your local nursery about free soil test kits!

Next, make sure your placement is right. Avoid planting too close to trees, which will block sunlight and absorb nutrients from the garden. Also, a garden closer to the house will prevent animals from eating your vegetables.

Then you must choose between a tilling and a raised bed. A raised bed is a better option if you have poor soil or is you are limited in mobility, it’s easier to reach and maintain.

Lastly, you will need the basic planting tools. The necessities include spade, garden fork, soaking hose, hoe, hand weeder and wheel barrow or bucket for transporting soil.

Don’t forget that plants also need a lot of water, at least one inch a week!