Best Ways to Free Up Storage Space

Storage space is a must in most homes today. No one has ever complained about having “too many closets.” However, it seems that no matter what, space is always running out! If you’re looking to free up storage space, it’s important to learn how to work with the space you already have. With the tips below, you should be able to free up enough storage space for all of your storage needs!

Get Rid of Stuff
Getting rid of certain items or stuff that you no longer use is the best way to start freeing up space within your home. Maximize your space by decluttering each room in your home. If a particular room is larger or complicated, break it up in zones. It’s best to work quickly when deciding on what items you want to keep or toss. Also, before you throw anything away permanently think about donating the items instead!

Use the Best Storage Solutions
There are a lot of different storage solutions out there, but some storage solutions work better than others. If your storage item helps create more space, streamlines your organization by grouping like items together, and makes things easier to find by creating a home for it, then you are most likely using a great storage solution. Most professionals suggest using clear containers so you can see what’s inside, which will save you time when you are quickly trying to retrieve an item from storage. However, to keep your interior design cohesive, use more decorative storage solutions in living spaces where it matters. From decorative baskets to statement chests, the options are endless when choosing the right storage solution for you home!

Use Any and All Real Estate for Organizing
The space between your knees and shoulders are the prime locations to store and organize things. It’s the easiest place to reach for something, however, just because all that space is used up doesn’t mean you don’t have any more storage space! Look for space above or below and begin thinking of ways to utilize that space for storage!

Think Vertically, Not Left to Right
When we do anything, we usually think in terms of left to right, rightfully so. However, when you are looking to maximize on storage space you want to think vertically instead of left to right! Look above and take advantage of high spaces. The same goes for below! Any space is storage space if you are creative enough and think vertically!

Use the Right Products for Your Space
When you are choosing the products you are going to use for storage, you’ll want to make sure you are using the proper products. Measure the spaces you plan to use for storage and make sure the items you buy will fit properly in that space! It’s extremely frustrating when the storage items you buy end up not working or fitting in the area where you intend to use them. So plan ahead and measure your storage space and buy the right products/storage solution for your space!

Think About Using Off-Site Storage
If you still don’t have enough space to store your belongings, you might want to think about taking advantage of off-site storage. Off-site storage is the perfect place to store any extra items that you are trying to cram into your home while you are trying to create more space!

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