8 Great Pets For People With Allergies

Pets can be a wonderful addition to your family! However, if you suffer from pet allergies it can be hard to add a furry friend to your family. Yet, there is still hope! Pet allergies can cause different reactions from congestion to hives, but fear not, there are breeds of hypoallergenic animals that could be your new addition to your family. Here is a list of hypoallergenic animals that you can add to your family without worrying about allergies!



Bichon Frise – This breed is a hypoallergenic dog due to the fact that it doesn’t shed a lot of fur or dander due to its soft fur undercoat and coarse, curly outer coat. Just remember to keep this dog well-groomed! If not well-groomed, a Bichon could experience skin issues.

Kerry Blue Terrier – Kerry Blue Terriers make for a great house pet and are also hypoallergenic! These medium sized dogs shed less dander due to their wavy black fur. On top of that, they lack an undercoat, which prevents them from shedding too much. However, this is another dog that needs to be well-groomed because their fur can grow quite long.

Portuguese Water Dog – Similar to Poodles in both looks and intelligence, the Portuguese Water Dog also does not shed as much dander as other breeds. However, unlike the Poodle, their coat grows slower, which means less grooming/clippings. Just make sure to brush them regularly to avoid matting skin or irritation.

Maltese – On the smaller side, this friendly breed has a silky coat that doesn’t shed much dander, but it does need to be brushed daily.



Siberian Cat – This fluffy breed would be a great addition to any family with pet allergies. It is believed that this cat produces less allergens in comparison to other breeds. Many believe its because of its fur, which keeps their skin more hydrated, stopping dander production.

Cornish Rex and Devon Rex – Cornish and Devon Rex cats have shorter coats of fur, making them a low-allergy friend. They also tend to groom themselves less frequently, which means less dander! This breed would be an fantastic addition to a family looking for a feline friend.

Sphynx – This cat breed is known for being hairless, which is perfect for anyone with pet allergies! Because they don’t shed any fur or hair, there are not allergens to spread around you home. Just remember to give them frequent baths to keep their skin clean and healthy!

Balinese – Balinese cats look like Siamese cats, but with longer hair. These cats also produce significantly less allergy-causing dander than many other cats! This hypoallergenic breed is the perfect addition to a family looking for a furry friend!


Other Types of Pets:

Parakeet – Parakeets are a great option for people with pet allergies! They shed little dander, even when they are molting and they are a fun, colorful, and cheerful pet to have around.

Turtle, Fish, or Other Reptiles – Any exposure to reptiles like turtles or fish are generally safe for people will allergies because of their lack of dander. So any reptilian pet is a great option for someone with pet allergies! Just be sure to keep their cages clean to prevent any allergies.

Hamster – Hamsters make great pets for allergy sufferers because they are confined to a small space in the house. Because they are confined in a small space, they are less likely to shed dander all over the house. However, there still is a chance that you could be allergic to the hamster itself! So do some research before you buy this furry friend!

Guinea Pigs – Just like Hamsters, Guinea Pigs are confined to a small space in the house, so they won’t shed as much dander. However, don’t forget someone will have to handle the animals, which means if an allergy sufferer cleans the cages they could come in contact with allergens and an allergic reaction might occur. Make sure to visit an allergist beforehand to see if you are allergic to hamsters or guinea pigs!

If you and your family really want a family pet, remember to do your research! A pet is a long-term commitment, so it’s best to do your research on your allergy sensitivity, animal breeds, and other remedies before you make your decision. If you are still unsure after your research you could always go see an allergist for testing to get a more definitive determination on what animals elicit an allergic response. Also, don’t forget that even if your pet is hypoallergenic you can still deal with allergies!