How to Take a Staycation

It’s that time of year again! The weather is getting warmer, the days are longer, and everyone is enjoying the fresh air! Everyone is also revving up and getting excited about their upcoming vacation plans! However, if you need some time off to rejuvenate, you could always take a staycation instead!

A staycation is the perfect option for those who need time to relax and get out of their usual routine, but don’t want to spend the cash on another luxury getaway. If you’re able to take time off from work, a staycation is a great option to sit back and relax in the comfort of your own home! Also, make sure to spread out when you take your vacation and staycation! You don’t want to take them too close together so you can enjoy both throughout the year! Here are some tips to take the perfect staycation!

Make a Loose Plan
When you plan on taking a staycation, you’ll want to make a loose plan of what you want to do each day. You never want to wake up and think “What now? What do I do today?” Always have a plan for your at-home getaway. However, make sure you don’t overbook yourself and end up being exhausted! Staycations are all about relaxing at home, so make plans but find a nice balance of activities and relaxation!

Don’t Do Any Housework
Vacationing means you get to sit back and relax and hardly do any work, which also applies to a staycation as well. However, when people take staycations they tend to do housework when they are supposed to be relaxing! So before you take your staycation make sure to clean the house beforehand so you don’t end up doing any housework throughout your staycation.

Go Somewhere You Haven’t Been
Have you been eyeing up a restaurant that you have been dying to try? Do you want to explore a nearby town that you’ve heard wonderful things about? Get out and actually do it! Your staycation should disrupt your usual routine, so make a list of things or places you’ve been meaning to visit and choose a few to explore during your staycation.

Get Outside
It’s best not to stay inside during your whole staycation. Try to get outside and enjoy the fresh air! If it’s winter maybe visit a local ski resort, or if its summer find a nearby hiking trail or enjoy any of your favorite outdoor activities!

Stay in Bed
Use your staycation as an excuse to stay in bed at least one time! Staying in bed is one of the best feelings. Not only is it comfortable, but it’s extremely relaxing as well! From sleeping in to devouring a recent best-selling novel, the options are endless when it comes to relaxing and staying in bed.

Binge A Series
If you’re a huge movie or TV buff, you could always binge watch a TV series or have a movie marathon during your staycation. If you’ve been dying to watch a popular series but you’ve never found the time to sit down and watch, now is the perfect time! The best part about binging a series during your staycation is that you can easily enjoy the movie or series with company as well! Invite your friends, family, or neighbors to join your on your staycation and enjoy your time off!

Vacation or staycation, both are just as fun and relaxing! No matter which one you prefer it’s always a great feeling to get out of your usual routine and enjoy some me-time. So take advantage of the warming weather and take a vacation at a luxury resort or a staycation at your own home!

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