8 Safety Items You Need in Your House

If you have a Judd Builders home, you already know our homes and communities are safe and secure! However, sometimes there are other events that take place in or around your home that you can’t control. From power outages to severe weather to a simple cut or sprain, you’ll want to be prepared for whatever comes your way. Stay on top of emergencies with these helpful safety items that you should have in your household!

First Aid Kit
This item is a given. Many households already have first aid kits, but if you don’t you should get one right away. Not only is it stocked with first-aid essentials, but the mere presence of it will make everyone feel at ease. If you plan on making your own first aid kit you should have these items:

  • First aid manual
  • Band aids
  • Peroxide
  • Antiseptic
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Benadryl
  • Cotton ball/swabs
  • Ibuprofen
  • Latex gloves
  • Ace bandage
  • Scissors

Fire Extinguisher
Every household should have a fire extinguisher. Even if you are the most conscious cook in the kitchen, there is always a slight chance for a small kitchen fire. Take extra precaution and buy a fire extinguisher and store it away in your kitchen.

Carbon Monoxide Detector
Install carbon monoxide detectors in every area your family sleeps and on every floor. These alarms detect carbon monoxide, which is a dangerous invisible gas that is known as the invisible killer. Just like fire detectors, carbon monoxide detectors will give you and you family peace of mind.

Power Outage Essentials
Whether the power outage is from a severe storm or weather, make sure to have power outage essentials around the house. Flashlights, batteries, candles, food, water, and a radio are all items you should have in case of an outage. For best practice, keep them all in one place so they are easy to find.

Night Lights
This might be the oddest item on this list, but night-lights are a great safety item to have around the house, especially in dark hallways. Many people tend to fall at night when they can’t see, causing small injuries. So plug in a decorative night-light and make the journey down the hall easier for your family, friends, and houseguests.

Fire Ladder
If you have a multiple-story home, you’ll want to have a fire ladder on the second floor in case of a major emergency. Having multiple escape routes is the best way to keep your family safe during emergencies. Store it in an easy, accessible area and make sure everyone knows where it is and how to use it.

Safe or Firebox
If you think you don’t need a safe or firebox, think again! Both of these items will protect any valuables or important papers. Still don’t think you have anything of importance to store in a safe or firebox? Store things like the deed to your house, birth certificates, social security cards, etc. anything that would be rather hard to replace.

Emergency Numbers/Plans
Make a list of emergency phone numbers and put it somewhere where everyone can see it. This will be a handy tool in case your family or babysitter needs to make an emergency call. Include the numbers of:

  • Doctors/pediatricians
  • Neighbors
  • 911
  • Family members
  • Poison Control
  • Your contact information

Also, make sure to set up and go over emergency plans with your family. Don’t let you and your family be unprepared. It’s better to be safe than sorry!