Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Don’t miss out on any of the fun this weekend! Take your ordinary weekend and make it into a celebration for Earth Day! From local activities to simple crafts, there is an activity for everyone to enjoy this Earth Day. Check out some of these fun family-oriented activities that are a great way to celebrate Earth Day!

1. Plant a Tree
Planting trees is one of the most popular ways to celebrate Earth Day. Many people, organizations, and communities plant trees for the occasion and so can you! Not only are you helping the environment by planting a tree, but your kids will absolutely love the idea! If you plan on going with this idea, make sure your tree lasts with this guide to show you the proper way to plant a tree.

2. Plan a Garden
Earth Day might be too early in the season to start a garden, but you can at least plan your garden in advance! If you are a first time gardener, you and your family will want to do some research. Figure out what veggies grow in what season and how to start and keep up with your garden. If you already garden, get your family involved in the process and ask them what type of veggies they want to grow. Or you could create your kids very own play garden, where they plant and take care of their own crops. This is a fun way to get kids involved while showing them the importance of patience and responsibility!

3. Enjoy a Hike or Go to the Park
With the weather warming up, it’s time to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors. A nice, simple, and tranquil way to celebrate Earth Day is to go on a hike or do some sort of fun outdoor activity. Look up nearby trails, parks, and fun outdoor attractions that the whole family would enjoy. If the weather permits, you could even pack a cooler and enjoy a little picnic while taking in the beautiful scenery around you!

4. Enjoy Local Earth Day Activities
Most local communities have activities that families can enjoy together. Whether it’s an Earth Day fair or a community clean up, check your community’s websites to see what sort of celebrations/events are coming up in your community and plan on joining the fun!

5. Build a Birdhouse/Birdbath
Create an oasis for birds by building and installing a birdhouse or birdbath in your yard. Your kids or grandkids will be ecstatic when it comes to this creative project. You can either start from scratch and build a bird house, or you could easily buy a pre made birdhouse that can be painted. Making a birdbath is just as fun as painting a birdhouse. Check out some of these fun DIY birdbaths that are bound to be extremely fun to build!