10 Ways to Declutter Your House

1. Make a Date With Your Space
Decluttering any space, let alone your house, takes a good amount time. So, block off a morning or afternoon and begin organizing. However, don’t expect to get the whole house done in a day. It’ll take time to clean and organize every room!

2. Make a Plan of Attack
Before you start organizing make a plan of attack. What room are you going to start with? How much do you want to achieve in the time you set aside? It’s usually a good idea to start with the area in your house that is the most frustrating. Get this space out of the way and you’ll feel unstoppable.

3. Arm Yourself
It’s smart to get your supplies ready before you start organizing. You’ll need trash bags, for trash and for recyclables, a box for charitable items, and a box for items that don’t belong in that space. Also, it’s a good idea to clean the space while your organizing it. Have cleaning supplies around to wipe down the area once everything is cleared out of the space. Not only will the space be organized, but it will also be clean as well.

4. Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
The best way to declutter your house is to focus on one space at a time. It’s nearly impossible to clean the whole house in an entire day. Go room by room and don’t start another room if you’re feeling unfocused. You’ll most likely organize less because you’ll be frustrated and less efficient.

5. Organize First; Buy Second
It’s tempting to buy a bunch of containers to help you organize, but you should always organize before you buy any containers. You never know what containers will function best in your space. So organize first and then assess what you need container-wise.

6. Group Like Items Together
When organizing, a good way to get through a bunch of clutter is to group like items together. Do you have a bunch of black pants that you hardly wear? Keep two or three pairs and donate the rest. The same goes for any other like items as well!

7. Be Honest With Yourself
The hardest part of organizing is being honest with yourself. It’s always hard to let things go, but if you haven’t worn or used an item in a year its best to get rid of it. Don’t try to convince yourself that you’ll use it later down the road. If you haven’t used it already, you won’t use it later.

8. Elevate Items Off The Floor
The easiest and quickest way to make any room look more organized is to elevate items off the floor. Don’t let toys, tools, or clothes sit around on the floor, use shelving to your advantage and get those items off the floor.

9. Complete Each Task Completely
Your house will never be decluttered if you don’t follow through with each task. Never stop in the middle of organizing and leave a room unfinished. You’re more likely to never go back to finish decluttering the room. Instead, go room by room and make sure to complete each task completely before moving on!

10. Your Space Will Get Messy Again — Don’t Worry
Just because you’ve decluttered your house doesn’t mean that it will stay that way. Expect regular upkeep. There are always ingoing and outgoing items that will eventually clutter your home. However, because you’ve organized the house before, it will be easier tidying up when things get a little messy.

Bonus: Get Through Organizing By Having Fun!
How can organizing be fun you ask? Well, there plenty of ways! Make organizing a design challenge. Integrate your personal style into the storage bins you choose and make it a part of the overall room design. Or make it a game! Make a set of rules and goals for yourself and you’ll find that your organize a room quicker!