7 Ways to Lower Your Heating Bill

With fall in full effect and the impending winter close behind its smart to start thinking about your heating bill. Heating your house in essential for these colder months, but it can get rather costly. Here are seven ways to lower your heating bill, yet still keep your home warm and cozy.

1. Use a Programmable Thermostat
One of the easiest ways to lower your heating bill is to use a programmable thermostat. Or if you don’t have a programmable thermostat, at least use the one you already have properly. Turn down the thermostat 10 degrees when you go to work and bed or leave the house for an extended period of time. The U.S. Department of Energy says for every eight hours you turn your thermostat down, you can possibly save up to 15 percent on your heating bill.

2. Bundle Up
Lower your thermostat by bundling up. That’s right, layer on warm clothing when your home and you won’t feel the difference when you lower your thermostat. Don’t forget about socks! If your feet are cold, the rest of your body will also feel cold.

3. Check For Drafts
Windows and door are the biggest culprits for creating drafts in your house. In order to check for them use a candle or incense and hold it by the windows and doors. If there is a draft you will see the candle light flicker or the incense smoke will escape where the air is being let in.

4. Change Your Filters
Most people forget to change their filters and it is a costly mistake when it comes to your heating bill. A dirty filter can make costs skyrocket. The type of heater you have will affect when and how many times you should change your filter. If you have a gas heater, check the filter every other year. If you have electric or oil, check it once a year.

5. Close Your Fireplace Flue
If you have a fireplace in your house make sure to close the fireplace flue. This seems straightforward, but many people forget about it. If you don’t close the flue, it’s like having a huge hole in your roof letting the cool air in.

6. Use a Space Heater
Some people avoid using a space heater because they think it will make their electric bill higher. However, if you use the space heater properly you can still save on your heating bill without increasing you electric bill drastically. Keep the space heater where your family gathers and turn down the thermostat. Every degree below 70 can save you three percent on your heating bill. An electrical space heater that uses 1500 watts costs approximately 14 cents per hour to use. So your electric bill will go up, but the costs you save from heating will offset the cost of using a space heater. Check out these space heaters and find the perfect one for you!

7. Keep Heating Registers Clear
Don’t block your heating vents with furniture and rugs; make the most of the heat by moving any furniture and rugs away from vents. Also, if you aren’t using a room in your house close the door. There’s no sense in heating a room that isn’t used. So keep the heat where it’s absolutely necessary and stay warm all fall and winter long.